recipe of couscous 4Ms3

 to make couscous you will this Ingredients:

1 1kg couscous

2 onion beads

Garlic bean

2 tablespoons top tomato paste


Salt and tomato

Pewter: Red pepper. Black pepper, asparagus

hot pepper

Vegetables (chickpeas, turnips, crisps, grits, as desired)

Hot paint or butter and finally chicken or meat as desired

How to prepare:

We put the salt on top of it and add a bit of water and move it with our hands. We do all this after we have put the pot (the water) in it. The water boils, put the couscous in the caskass over the tip and let it rise. Tavor.

Peel the onions, garlic and tomatoes and let them rest in the bread. Combine the concentrated tomatoes, half a cup of oil, one teaspoon salt, the head of hot peppers, the spices in another pot (cocotte), cut the chicken into pieces or meat and clean it. Then add water to cover the chicken or meat you have placed. When the barbouche leaves, place it in the bowl, move it with the scoop, then hand until it is cool, add a little paint, butter or oil, add a small amount of water and return it to the couscous and then the tuna and let it spin.

After boiling the broth directly add hummus, turnips, and scallops inside and close them.

When we go to the barbouche, put it back in the bowl, stir it and cool it a little, then paint it with cream or butter and put it in the dishes, decorate it with vegetables (chickpeas, turnips or loaves). Put the chicken over it and mix it with the sauce. Eat with salad, milk or drinks.نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪couscous‬‏

 Members of the groupe: 
Under the supervision of Mrs benjadouu 
bem 2018 yes we can 
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